Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It's not beer o'clock yet, cyberbludger

Good old Aussie linguistic culture is alive and kicking, thanks to terms like
dunny budgie, pash rash, cyberbludger and beer o'clock.

For the
uninitiated a dunny budgie is a blowfly, a pash rash is the result of excessive
kissing, a cyberbludger plays internet games on the boss's time, and beer
o'clock is any time you feel like a drink.

All have become official
entries in the latest version of the Macquarie dictionary.

Wow! Just what we've always wanted!!! A dictionary with all those aussie phrases that drive every other English speaker nuts!

Seriously though, it is very heartening to finally start to see true Australian language showing up in our dictionaries, I, for one, am getting rather sick and tired of the American bias that our culture is slowly assuming.

check out the full article ~ http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=66711

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